Master student from ATLAS institute of University of Colorado Boulder.

I graduated from CU ATLAS in May 2019. During my master’s program, ​I obtained skills in designing, developing customer-oriented web and mobile applications, which are driven by various data sources. With solid computer science foundations, I am proficient in object-oriented programming with Java, Swift, and Python. Experienced in Web, Android and iOS mobile app development.

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I like coding, I am also interested in 3D modeling and design.

  • C/C++
  • Java
  • Swift
  • Python
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • AndroidStudio
  • Xcode
  • SQL
  • React, Vue.js, D3.js
  • SolidWorks, Autodesk Fusion 360


During my master program, I did many interesting projects including Web, Mobile App, Physical Computing, and Robots.


This website is focused on the social issue of worldwide freshwater scarcity. Helps people have a clear understanding of the current situation of the global water scarcity, then call everyone to save water.

Yelp Rating Prediction Visualization

Yelp is a crowd-sourced local business review and social networking community, we looked into the problem that how the users’ rating behavior are influenced by different factors, and what kind of prediction we can make.

Job Hunting Assistant

A web app that helps users to track their job applications status and manage the application files.

Vue Trivia

Two player trivia game built with Vue.js.

Android App - WeatherBuddy

A weather report app that would report the current weather in voice meanwhile show your location and weather info on the map.

iOS App - Ecloset

An iOS app to help manage your clothes. Take a photo for your clothe and add a tag to it. Search by tag when you need a cloth while you can not remember how many clothes you have in the style or color as you are looking for.


This project provides a solution for people to save and access their user accounts and password easily and securely. Then they do not have to reset their password when they cannot remember their password or even the user account.

Talk to Me

“Talk to Me” is an interactive art installation allows a whimsical and eerie experience to talk to inanimate objects. Using open source artificial intelligence connected to an old typewriter and analog phone, answers to questions spoken into a handset are typewritten by an invisible typist.

Fresh IO

"Fresh IO" is an indoor gardening device to plant salad vegetables in kitchen or livingroom. The device can monitor the plant's health conditions and schedule the watering and lighting time automatically. The "IO" here means Input and Output, users put a little effort as input, then the output will be a big harvest.

BiBli Robot

BiBli robot was build for Longmong Public Library to assist children on the Autism spectrum practice social skills and engage in the Library.


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